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Date:04.- 31.August 2008
A Group Show at NY ARTS Beijing featuring international artists Angela Earley, Graciela Cassel, Katherine Wood, Malgorzata Paryzinska, Margarita Petre, Maz Jackson, Robert Freimark, Stephen Gostt, Tove Hellerud, Julien Vonier, Rene Breig.

Curated by Basak Malone

Opening: Sunday, August 10th, 3-6 PM
August 4 - 31st, 2008

In the run-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese have been breaking records: from the longest Olympic torch relay ever (climbing to the top of Mount Everest), to an extravagant opening ceremony with the most ebullient firework display known to man, and even the longest piece of street art in China. With 1.5 million foreigners expected to attend, the Summer Olympics showcases Chinas rich culture, art and architecture with a variety of international satellite events and exhibitions.

To celebrate, not only the events going on in Beijing this month -but also the nations innovative and rapid evolution within the global art world, NY Arts Beijing will present the Group exhibition Ludus this week, with an opening reception on Sunday, August 10th. Featuring the work of international artists Angela Earley, Graciela Cassel, Katherine Wood, Malgorzata Paryzinska, Margarita Petre, Maz Jackson, Robert Freimark, Stephen Gostt, Tove Hellerud, Julien Vonier and Rene Breig this dynamic exhibition will be on display till the end of the month.

Dancer/Beijng . size 125x90cm / laser exposed, metallic

With a plethora of mediums included in the exhibition -from painting and sculpture, to installation and photography Ludus is an interactive visual experience. Ludus is a dynamic combination of Western psychology and thought within an Eastern setting. Investigating how representations of "the other" are not fixed or anchored in any single meaning, but invented and re-contextualized across a diverse signifying field that is indecipherable. Through semantic play participating artists are invited to address the space between themselves and others, sites that include, but are not limited to the concept of "the borderline," the "in-between," "the similacrum," and other "liminal spaces." Each of the artists work spans a dynamic scope of inspirations and influences. From minimalist mark making, to complex expressive mixed media pieces that utilize raw materials such as sand and coarse su! rfaces, the works are delicate and passionate all at once. Deeply personal, the exhibition evokes their own subconscious while also revealing universal truths about the journey and celebration that is life.

The exhibition will be shown in conjunction with No Way Out, an exhibition of emerging Chinese artists -artists who are having a major influence on the development of contemporary art in China today.




当朱利安·弗尼尔不到16岁的时候,在当时欧洲最大的摄影馆开始接受摄影师培训。他首先师从E. T.·魏尔仑 (E. T. Werlen) 学习室外摄影。这份工作很轻松,他尚有足够时间参与社交活动。一年之后,他转投H. P.·米尔曼 (H. P. Mühlemann) 门下,米尔曼是当时最受欢迎的模特摄影师之一。在这个幻想家那里,朱利安·弗尼尔不但学会了如何应付大型布局、模特儿和灯光,而且也学会了为摄影而奋斗。从那时开始,漫长的夜生活变为摄影馆里的彻夜工作。之后,朱利安·弗尼尔成为了著名汽车摄影师彼得·福斯特 (Peter Forster) 的助手。培训完毕之后,他先后就职于数家大型广告公司。1988年,朱利安·弗尼尔开始从事自由摄影师职业。




朱利安·弗尼尔 (Julien Vonier)

1957 出生于瑞士苏黎世
1961 全家迁至北德
1963 在汉堡附近的伊策霍 (Itzehoe) 入学
1964 返回瑞士
1973 在 Maur 摄影馆师从E. T.·魏尔仑 (E. T. Werlen),H. P.·米尔曼 (H. P. Muehlemann) 接受摄影师培训
1976 担任彼得·福斯特 (Peter Forster) 助手
1977 苏黎世工艺美术学校摄影师课程毕业
1978 在苏黎世Gisler & Gisler(吉斯勒尔 & 吉斯勒尔)广告公司担任摄影师
. 其为瑞士奶酪联合会拍摄的相片获得ADC Art Directors Club (艺术总监俱乐部)的奖章。
. 为一个广告招贴拍摄的相片被列入MOMA Museum of Modern Art (现代艺术博物馆)的影集中。

1983 在Marsden Hartmann NCK/FCB/Leo Burnett 广告公司担任摄影师
. 其为瑞士连锁超市Migros(米格罗)拍摄的相片获得瑞士ADC Art Directors Club (艺术总监俱乐部)的奖章。
. 其为VISA卡公司制作的带有动画相片的电视广告短片获得ADC的奖章。

1988 弗尼尔摄影公司 (Vonier Fotografie)。在苏黎世拥有自己的摄影馆。
. 获得瑞士和纽约ADC的不同奖章。
. 获得ADC/Eurobest的奖章。
. 许多招贴广告被列入苏黎世工艺美术学校的影集中。
. 许多招贴广告被列入瑞士联邦文化局的影集中。
. 获得《全球两百位最好的AD 摄影师》的奖章,Luerzers Archiv 期刊2004/05
. 获得2006年度EPICA奖(艾匹卡广告奖)
. 获得《全球两百位最好的AD 摄影师》的奖章,Luerzerss Archiv期刊2006/07

委托方 其中包括Cinecom公司、Coop公司、Feldschloesschen Bier啤酒公司、Jeep公司、Mercedes Benz Automobile(梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车公司)、Migros公司、National Versicherung保险公司、Navy Boot公司、苏黎世歌剧院、Shell(壳牌集团)、 UBS(瑞银集团)、瑞士牛奶生产商联合会
Julien Vonier
phone +41 44 463 80 10